Interview with a Member of the comedy club, Jack Donaldson

Group A: What was your reason for joining the club?

Jack Donaldson: "At first in my second year I found it hard to make friends at university, so I decided to join a club in which there would be people with the same interests as me. I am originally from Leeds met so I didn't know if they would allow me to join but when they did it made me feel accepted".

Group A: What is your relationship like with the other members of the group?

Jack Donaldson: "Really good, we all have a really good relationship with each other as we all have a lot in common. Some of us meet up outside the club and go for drinks and we also do gigs together.

Group A: What is the age range like within the club?

Jack Donaldson: "The age range varies from the ages 18 - 28. This year we had 69 new sign up at freshers, we are becoming a popular group for students".

Group A: Do you do any other activities with the members outside the club that aren't comedy related?

Jack Donaldson: "Yes, we have recently started to go bowling and sometimes we do karaoke".

Group A: Do you each have your own roles within the club?

Jack Donaldson: "Yes, we have roles like a president, and a treasurer which are requirements for clubs. However certain individuals such as Chris Duncan who took on the role of script editor, which he didn't have to do but has done".

Group A: Finally how would you describe the club in one word?

Jack Donaldson: "Exotic".